

“I began training with Caz 3 and a half years ago after coming out of a marriage where my confidence was low.  Towards the end of our marriage, my now ex-husband would call me fat, ugly and other horrible names to really knock my confidence. I met Caz shortly after my divorce and after joining David Lloyd- she just stood out as a trainer and looked really professional!  I wanted Caz to make me look and feel better- not only has she made me feel so much more confident she has become a friend and helped me gain a new outlook on life! I cannot thank Caz enough for her continued support and encouragement. Thank you Caz x”

"Having Caz as my Personal Trainer has made me realise that training is not just for the young and super fit! She is a master at putting her clients at ease, is friendly and encouraging and even knows just what I am looking for with regard to the programme we follow. Her enthusiasm is infectious and I find I am willing to move away from the corners of the gym and even glance in a mirror when she is with me. Caz has succeeded in helping me achieve things that I never imagined I was capable of- I wish I had more time to spend with her!”

“Before I discovered Caz’s classes I was fed up, unmotivated and bored of my current gym routine.....the same cardio workout every day! Caz has shown me how to mix up my workout to make it more enjoyable and at the same time achieving so much more in a shorter space of time. Caz's professionalism, extensive knowledge and enthusiastic commitment to her work and ultimately her clients, provides the perfect scenario for success and sets foundations for a new, healthier lifestyle. I now look forward to my varied training routines using all of Caz's weight routines, abdominal exercises, core work and leg work whilst still mixing it with my cardio routine. I have felt weak parts of my body strengthen since I met Caz and now have the confidence and determination to incorporate new exercises into my routines. On a personal note I have known Caz for over 20 years, she is and always has been a lovely girl and I am so proud of her determination to create the successful business she has always wanted.”

“I have been training with Caz twice a week for over two years now and I also attended her bootcamp once a week which is testament to how good a PT she is. She mixes up our sessions and in all that time I don't think I have ever done the same workout more than twice. She has introduced me to areas of the gym I had never ventured into before- incorporating TRX, PowerPlate, Kettlebells, Boxing and Free weights. Her passion for fitness and nutrition is infectious much to my friends and families despair I have become a gym bore (!) but together we have achieved amazing results losing weight and inches, improving my posture and muscle tone and gaining strength. At 48 years old I look and feel fitter than I did in my teens . Caz is very encouraging and highly motivational and I look forward to every session as it’s always new and fresh- she is quite simply the best.”

"I want to say a deep and meaningful thank you to Caz who has helped me to achieve a new confidence in myself.  After 26 years of not looking after myself physically due to a busy life looking after others, she has helped me to strengthen my otherwise weak joints and muscles by providing me with a specialist fitness regime. She has taken into account my hypermobility which is a physical condition. Each of my sessions with her have been highly inspiring and 4 months down the road I have seen such a change in myself I am truly amazed at having achieved this. I thank Cazfor everything she has done for me (including all the pain and sweat) and wish her all the very best for her bright future!"